Saturday, November 18, 2006

Living life over again

Sometimes I feel like I am living my life over again, like I lived the whole thing and had the opportunity to go back and live it how I really wanted to live it.

When I was a sales manager I had a former rep, Roy, come into my office to speak with me. He told me about how he found a new job that he was really excited about. He started pitching me on it. Mid-pitch, he handed me his business card, as he was explaining to me that if I bought my grave plot now I could save a lot of money for myself and for my family..."you know because when you are 80, this plot is going to be way more expensive." At that moment, I realized that I was going to die at some point. I appreciated his drive and effort to sell me a plot, and, I hope, graciously declined his offer.

I started thinking about the concept of having 6 weeks to live. I asked myself, "If I have 6 weeks to live, would I be doing what I am doing right now?" It took me a few days to accept that the answer at the time was no.

That was 5 years ago, and since then I have moved six times and changed jobs three times. I appreciate Roy so much for having the courage to try to sell me a cemetary plot. That experience completely changed my perspective on my life. Imagine being 80 and looking back at your life, what do you want to see? How do you want to feel?

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